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Domestic Violence Hurts Men Too

 Posted on August 01,2018 in Domestic Abuse

men, Rolling Meadows domestic abuse attorneysHave you ever seen a movie or a television show that depicted the serious struggle of a man trying to get out of an abusive relationship? There is a good chance you never have because such storylines are not very popular in modern entertainment. You probably have, however, seen shows or films in which a woman suffers abuse at the hands of her husband or boyfriend.

While today’s social landscape makes it somewhat easier than before to discuss domestic violence committed against men, the idea is still largely used for comedic effect in movies and on TV. According to Anne P. Mitchell, a retired family law professor, woman-against-man violence is often a “punchline of a larger, depressing narrative.” Male-against-female violence is almost universally condemned by cultural morality, but the same is not always true in the opposite direction.

Telling Numbers

A few years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzed responses provided by over 18,000 adult Americans. The CDC’s survey found that just under 4.8 million women had experienced intimate partner violence in the last 12 months. In the same period, however, the CDC estimated that 5.2 million had experienced such violence as well. Obviously, violence against women is certainly a problem, but so is violence against men, and both must be addressed by a healthy society.

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What to Do When You Are Pulled Over for a Traffic Violation

 Posted on July 17,2018 in Uncategorized

traffic violation, Rolling Meadows traffic citations attorneyAlmost everyone knows the fear that begins to take over when you are driving along and you see a police car. Even if the car is going the other way, you begin to ask yourself dozens of questions. Was I speeding? Did I change lanes without signaling? My registration isn’t due yet, is it? Could I even find my insurance card right now? Most of the time, the officer in his or her car is paying little or no attention to you, but when you see the flashing lights of a police car directly behind you, things can change quickly.

While you may have your suspicions about why you are being pulled over, make sure that you:

  • Pull over as soon as you can. Acknowledge the officer’s presence by putting on your turn signal right away and by decreasing your speed. Obviously, do not slam on your brakes. A turn signal and decreased speed shows the officer that you intend to stop when and where it is safe to do so;

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Driving with a Suspended License Can Land You in Serious Trouble

 Posted on July 11,2018 in Traffic Violations

suspended, Arlington Heights traffic violations attorneyImagine this scenario: You have had your driver’s license suspended. Perhaps a series of unpaid parking tickets or citations for moving violations such as speeding led to the suspension. Whatever the reason for the suspension, you now have no way of getting back and forth to work. One day, you miss the bus and decide that you will drive your car even though you do not have a valid driver’s license anymore. On the way to work, you are pulled over for a broken taillight and the police officer finds out that you have driven on a suspended license. You may be facing steep fines and even jail time. Now what?

Reasons Your License Could Be Suspended

Driver’s license suspensions in Illinois can be the result of:

  • Accumulating three or more moving violations in a year;
  • Failing to appear in court;
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI);

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When Can a Driver Be Charged with Reckless Driving?

 Posted on July 02,2018 in Reckless Driving

reckless driving, Rolling Meadows traffic violations attorneyMost drivers have been guilty of bending the rules of the road at least a time or two. Perhaps they were running late for an important meeting, so they drove a few miles above the speed limit or only came to a rolling stop at a stop sign. Usually, minor traffic violations do not result in significant negative consequences for the driver and only bring a ticket and moderate fine. However, there are some traffic violations which can be quite serious and could even result in a felony charge or jail time. Reckless driving is one of these violations.

How is Reckless Driving Defined in Illinois?

When one hears the term “reckless driving,” they may think of the type of outrageous stunts performed on movies like The Fast and The Furious. In reality, reckless driving can include any driving action which endangers the lives of other drivers or pedestrians. The Illinois criminal code defines reckless as when a motorist drives “any vehicle with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property; or knowingly drives a vehicle and uses an incline in a roadway…to cause the vehicle to become airborne.” The second half of the definition does not contain much ambiguity. If a person tries to use a ramp or other means to make their car lose contact with the ground, he or she could be charged with reckless driving. The first half of the definition is more subjective.

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Getting an Order of Protection Dropped in Illinois

 Posted on June 21,2018 in Orders of Protection

Rolling Meadows Domestic Violence AttorneysMost people are aware that orders of protection are tools available in Illinois to help prevent instances of domestic violence. When a judge issues an order of protection, the order limits the behavior of the alleged abuser and may restrict him or her from contacting the alleged victim or the victim’s children, among other restrictions. What happens, though, if you obtained an order of protection but no longer believe that you are in danger of abuse? Can you have the order dropped?

The answer is complicated, as it will depend entirely on the circumstances of your case. You can petition the court to vacate the order, but the court is not obligated to do so.

The Process

Generally, to have an order of protection dropped, you will need to go back to the county court where you filed the petition for the original order. The court clerk will have paperwork for you to complete, and you may be asked to speak with the judge or another officer of the court before the order is vacated. The purpose of the discussion is so that the court can be certain you are dropping the order voluntarily. Orders of protection usually involve abusive individuals, and judges realize that it is not out of the question for an abuser to force or manipulate a victim into dropping a protective order.

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Safeguarding Your Rights When an Order of Protection Is Filed Against You

 Posted on June 14,2018 in Orders of Protection

against you, Rolling Meadows domestic abuse attorneysA quick scan of local or national headlines will show that the issue of domestic violence continues to plague our communities and our nation. Each year, millions of Americans are subjected to violent and abusive behavior perpetrated by romantic partners and other family or household members. As you may know, if you have been abused or you believe that you are in danger of being abused, Illinois law gives you the ability to seek an order of protection against your alleged abuser. But, what if you are the alleged abuser? More importantly, what if you have not done anything wrong but an order of protection was still issued against you?

Understanding the Order of Protection Process

It is important to know how an order of protection is issued. There are three types of protective orders in Illinois: plenary, interim, and emergency orders of protection. A large number of cases begin with an emergency order of protection, or EOP. To obtain an EOP, an individual must file an affidavit with the county court detailing the alleged abuse or the threat of abuse. If the court finds that the allegations are credible, an emergency order may be issued, regardless of whether the alleged abuser was notified in advance of the filing.

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For Many Victims of Domestic Violence, an Emergency Order of Protection is the First Step in Getting Help

 Posted on June 05,2018 in Domestic Abuse

emergency order, Rolling Meadows domestic abuse attorneysIf you are one of the millions of men and women who are victims of domestic violence, you may be lost, scared, and unsure of how to handle the situation. Firstly, you should know that you are not alone. Data shows that about one out of every three women and one out of every four men are abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lives. Domestic abuse can include physical, psychological, and sexual violence as well as threats and intimidating behavior. In the majority of domestic violence cases, the first thing a victim can do to protect themselves is to request an emergency order of protection.

Who Qualifies for an Emergency Order of Protection?

If you or your child have been abused by a family member or significant other, you qualify for an emergency order of protection (EOP)—sometimes referred to in casual conversation as a restraining order. Individuals who are concerned for the safety of a disabled adult may also file a petition for an order of protection on the disabled person’s behalf. You do not have to be physically injured by the alleged abuser in order to qualify for an EOP.

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Chicago Domestic Violence Victim Murdered By Abuser

 Posted on May 21,2018 in Domestic Abuse

domestic violence, Arlington Heights domestic violence lawyerA 31-year-old Chicago resident is dead after being shot in the head by an ex-boyfriend. This gruesome murder did not come out of the blue. The woman had allegedly made 10 reports about her former partner’s aggressive and threatening behavior before she was killed. This tragic event has led to many questioning the Chicago Police Department’s ability to protect victims of domestic violence from future abuse.

Victim Sought First Order of Protection in 2013

According to reports, after the now-deceased woman and her boyfriend broke up, he started demonstrating the violent and intimidating behavior. When the victim became afraid for her safety, she sought an emergency protective order (EPO) in 2013. EPOs are available to any individual who feels their safety is in jeopardy and can be obtained at a county courthouse. Someone seeking an EPO, called the petitioner, does not need to have physical evidence of the abuse. The alleged abuser, called the respondent, does not need to be present in order for an EPO to be granted. This temporary measure lasts 14 to 21 days.

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Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships

 Posted on May 15,2018 in Domestic Abuse

same-sex, Rolling Meadows domestic abuse attorneysDomestic violence is a rather broad legal term that includes a variety of abusive behavior, including but not limited to assault, battery, stalking, intimidation, or sexual coercion. Such actions are considered to be domestic violence when they are committed by a person against a romantic partner, family members, or members of the same household. While male-against-female violence is the most commonly discussed type of domestic abuse, the reality is that both men and women can be victims, and both men and women can commit acts of domestic violence.

Federal estimates indicate that nearly 20 individuals are physically abused by a romantic partner in the United States every minute. Over the course of a year, this translates to more than 10 million instances of victimization. It is estimated that one in three women and one in four men have experienced some type of physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner at least once in their lives.

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Report: Domestic Violence Incident Led to Closure of Acclaimed Chicago Restaurant

 Posted on May 03,2018 in Domestic Abuse

violence, Rolling Meadows domestic violence attorneyIt is unfortunately easy for many people to attempt to sweep allegations—or even proven incidents—of domestic violence under the proverbial rug. Even in today’s world of increased awareness and sensitivity to issues of abuse, domestic violence is still largely seen as a relationship issue. A recent magazine report, however, shows that domestic violence in a relationship can have an effect on countless others, including the public at large.

A Curious Closure

Last June, 42 Grams, an acclaimed eatery in Uptown Chicago closed suddenly with little more than an announcement on Twitter. A few days later, the restaurant’s Twitter account was deleted. Restaurants come and go all the time, especially in a city like Chicago, but this was different. Within its first few months of operation, 42 Grams had received two Michelin stars—one of the highest honors in the food and beverage industry. At the time, the owners—the head chef and his ex-wife general manager—did not give a reason for the sudden closure. Just under a year later, much more information has come to light.

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