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Everything You Need to Know About Postnuptial Agreements

 Posted on April 11, 2023 in Division of Property

IL family lawyerPostnuptial agreements are legal documents that spouses sign after they get married. They are similar to prenuptial agreements, which couples sign before marriage, but postnuptial is signed after the wedding. Many misconceptions exist about postnuptial agreements. If you are interested in signing one, there are essential things you must keep in mind before you make the decision. In any event, an experienced family law attorney can help walk you through the process to ensure the process can be smooth.

What Exactly is a Postnuptial Agreement?

Essentially, a postnuptial agreement outlines how assets and debts will be divided in case of a divorce. It can also address issues such as spousal support and how property will be managed during the marriage.

Why Sign a Postnuptial Agreement?

Couples sign a postnuptial agreement for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they realize that they should have signed a prenuptial agreement before getting married but, for whatever reason, did not. Other times, couples sign a postnuptial agreement to protect their assets acquired after they got married or address issues that have arisen during the marriage, such as infidelity or substance abuse.

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Navigating Easter During a Divorce: Tips to Make the Holiday Easier

 Posted on March 30, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerEaster is a time for renewal and hope, but it can also be challenging for those going through a divorce. Therefore, navigating this time with grace and understanding is essential to make the best of this difficult situation. Today, we will discuss considerations for ways to cope and successfully get through holidays like Easter. Holidays can be stressful for anyone, particularly those going through a potentially tumultuous divorce. Remember, retaining the services of an experienced divorce attorney can make this time of year easier because chances are, they have had clients in the past with similar concerns to yours. As a result, they will be better apt to provide ways families can make it through a holiday while keeping their emotional well-being intact.

Six Tips to Make it Through Easter

Here are some tips to help you cope with Easter while going through a divorce, including:

  1. Plan – Planning is crucial for managing any holiday during a divorce. Communicate with your ex-spouse about arrangements for the children (if applicable) and decide how to divide the time fairly. A clear plan can help alleviate stress and ensure a smoother experience for everyone involved.

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Understanding and Recognizing Non-Physical Forms of Domestic Violence

 Posted on March 22, 2023 in Domestic Abuse

IL divorce lawyerWhen most people think of domestic violence, they think of physical violence. However, it is essential to understand that domestic violence can take many different forms, not all of which are physical. Non-physical forms of domestic violence can be just as damaging as physical violence and can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, or socio-economic status. Today, we are going to review the non-physical forms of domestic violence. If you feel under threat of domestic violence, do not hesitate to contact a domestic violence hotline, a family law attorney, and the police, as your safety and the safety of your children must be considered a top priority.

Non-Physical Forms of Domestic Violence

The first form of non-physical domestic violence is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse can take many forms, including verbal insults, intimidation, and isolation from family and friends. Sufferers of emotional abuse may suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression and may feel trapped in their relationship. Sadly, emotional abuse can be hard to recognize and prove, and many sufferers may not even realize they are being abused.

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Considerations for a Parent with Teenaged Children Getting a Divorce

 Posted on March 15, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerA person’s teenage years can be profoundly memorable and formative. Unfortunately, however, when the parents of a teenager get a divorce, these years can be filled with angst and confusion regarding what the future may hold. If you are a parent of a teenager and you are getting a divorce, you may very well be worried about how the divorce will affect your teen and what you can do to make the situation easier for them. Recently, we wrote a blog detailing the adverse effects a divorce can have on younger children. Today, we will discuss what teenagers’ parents need to know to help make this difficult time easier for their teens.

If you are considering getting a divorce and are worried about how it may affect your teen, contact an experienced divorce attorney who has worked with families of children and teenagers. Your attorney will likely be able to assist you with advice and tips on making the situation as tolerable as possible for your teenager.

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How Can Parents Minimize the Negative Effects Their Divorce May Have on Their Children?

 Posted on February 22, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be an incredibly stressful and traumatic experience, not just for the couple separating but also for their children. To minimize the impact of divorce, parents can take several steps to reduce the trauma and help their children adjust to their new family dynamic. When thinking of ways to reduce the adverse effects of divorce on children, parents need to keep in mind that the negative effects divorce has on children can be both short-term and long-term. The emotional trauma a child feels due to their parents divorcing may be felt for many years or even decades after the divorce occurs. If you and your spouse are getting a divorce, consider retaining experienced legal counsel experienced in divorce cases and the different ways parents can handle the situation and protect the well-being of their children.

Tips for How Parents Can Reduce the Emotional Trauma Felt by Their Children

Here are some tips for parents who are getting a divorce and have children:

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What Causes Divorce Mediation to Go Wrong?

 Posted on February 15, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDivorce mediation can be a highly beneficial process for couples looking to dissolve their marriage amicably and efficiently. Mediation offers a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to the traditional court system, which makes it an appealing option for many couples going through a divorce. However, while it is true that divorce mediation comes with many benefits, the process can go wrong in certain situations.

Today, we are going to discuss certain situations that can occur that may impede the mediation process. If you and your spouse are looking to end your marriage, consider contacting an experienced divorce attorney to help guide you through the process while ensuring your rights and best interests remain adamantly defended and advocated for.

What Factors Can Cause Divorce Mediation to Go Wrong?

As stated previously, divorce mediation is an excellent option for many people. But, like anything else, things do not always go according to plan. Below are several factors which can hinder the divorce mediation process:

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What to Know About Orders of Protection in Illinois

 Posted on February 09, 2023 in Orders of Protection

IL family lawyerOrders of Protection are court-issued directives intended to provide legal protection from acts of domestic violence or harassment. In Illinois, there are several types of orders of protection that individuals can request, including emergency, interim, and plenary orders of protection. Today, we will examine these kinds of orders of protection and what is most important to know about them.

Unfortunately, domestic violence remains all too common within our society. However, people can obtain the protection they desperately need and deserve through orders of protection. If you feel threatened by domestic violence or have already experienced an act or multiple acts of domestic violence, do not hesitate to contact an experienced family law attorney who can help walk through the steps of obtaining an order of protection so that you can move on with your life free from the threat of harm.

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How Can Social Media Impact Divorce Proceedings?

 Posted on January 26, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerWhether we like it or not, social media has become a significant part of life for millions of people living in the United States. People of all ages use apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, to provide insight into their daily lives as they freely share what is on their minds or what they are up to at any given time. But unfortunately, it has become so easy to post on social media without thinking about what you are posting. As a result, it is common for people to post things on social media without considering the possible consequences of what they are posting.

You may be surprised to learn that social media can play a significant role in divorce proceedings. That is why if you are getting a divorce, it is essential to tread very carefully when posting anything online. In this blog, we will look at the divorce topics that may be affected by social media posts. Additionally, we will look at other notable ways that social media may affect your divorce. Finally, if you are looking to get a divorce from your spouse, it is important to hire knowledgeable legal counsel to help ensure you follow the process correctly so you can be well on your way to beginning your new life.

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Important Financial Documents You May Need in a Divorce Case

 Posted on January 20, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerAs is true with most contested divorces, proceedings will likely involve a great deal of evidence. If you and your spouse decide to pursue divorce litigation, it likely means that you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement and, thus, may disagree on basic facts. As a result, evidence will become invaluable in order for you to back up various legal assertions your lawyer may make throughout the course of litigation. For example, in many divorces, spouses may disagree on who is responsible for certain debts or who should keep what.

There may also be disputes regarding what property is marital and what property is separate. Regardless of the disputes, it is wise for anyone preparing for divorce litigation to collect all financial documents, such as bank records, as strong evidence may be a critical factor in fairly allocating marital property amongst divorcing spouses. Consider contacting an experienced divorce attorney before you begin litigation. An attorney can advise you on what evidence may be most important in your case.

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What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make During a Divorce?

 Posted on January 11, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerIt is without question that deciding to get a divorce is a life-altering decision. Divorce carries significant implications for both spouses, which may be both financial and emotional. It is not uncommon for someone to experience a flood of emotions throughout the divorce process. Many emotions, like fear, anger, or guilt, may linger for years, even after a finalized divorce.

Getting a divorce can be complicated, not to mention a complex one. As a result, it is possible and also quite common for people to make mistakes. These mistakes may affect how divorce proceedings play out and leave lasting scars on the parties getting divorced and their families. This blog will look at some of the most common mistakes people make during divorce. Notably, the worst mistake someone can make is failing to hire a highly knowledgeable divorce attorney to represent them and advocate for their rights.

Examples of Common but Costly Mistakes People Make During Divorce

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