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What Can a Father Do if His Wife is Abusive?

 Posted on July 05, 2024 in Domestic Abuse

IL divorce lawyerIt is generally more common for a man to abuse his wife than for a woman to abuse her husband, but there has been a recent rise in the number of women being arrested for domestic violence. This suggests that plenty of men experience abuse at the hands of their wives. Women who are violently abusive towards their husbands are also more likely to become violent toward their children. If you are a father seeking a divorce and your wife has abused you, you must be represented by an experienced Cook County, IL domestic violence and divorce attorney. Proving that your wife has been abusive and could be a danger to your children may be an uphill battle, but it is one that Law Offices of Donald J. Cosley is willing and able to fight.

Gathering Proof of Domestic Violence or Abuse

Courts are sometimes, unfortunately, reluctant to believe men who say that their wives have battered them or harmed their children. Gathering as much evidence as possible is critical. Your attorney can give you specific advice for your situation, but some types of evidence you may want include: 

  • Witness testimony - Have your friends, family members, or neighbors seen your wife slap, push, or hit you? Have any neighbors overheard fights where she seemed to be the primary aggressor? 
  • Police reports - While calling the police on your wife may be unpleasant, it can be extremely helpful if the police can corroborate your testimony in some way, even if they do not have enough evidence to arrest her. 
  • Pictures of injuries - If your wife leaves a mark, such as a bruise or cut, on you, take a picture of it. If she leaves any visible marks on your children, you should photograph these as well. 
  • Reports from your children’s school officials - If your children have spoken with a guidance counselor, school nurse, social worker, teacher, or administrator about the violence taking place in your home, these people may be able to file a report or testify on your behalf.

Protecting Yourself and Your Children With a Civil Protection Order

If you have any type of proof that your wife has physically abused you or your children, you may be able to get an Order of Protection. An Order of Protection can force your wife to leave the home and stay away from your workplace and your children’s schools. It can also prevent her from contacting, harassing, or threatening you and the children.

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL Father’s Rights Lawyer 

Law Offices of Donald J. Cosley is committed to helping fathers who have experienced domestic violence in their marriages. Dedicated Cook County, IL divorce and domestic violence attorney Don Cosley will personally handle all aspects of your case and will always be accessible to you. Contact us at 847-253-3100 for a complimentary consultation.

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