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Most Common Child Custody Myths

 Posted on January 30, 2015 in Child Custody

While divorce is difficult for all people involved, child custody can be even harder, especially on the children. Often times, parents find themselves making assumptions on what to expect from their child custody hearing, which can cause a potential rift in the process, making things even more emotional. Here are several myths when it comes to child custody:

Mothers are more likely to be awarded custody. Since times have changed, most judges are favoring joint custody, or whatever is in the best interest of the child or children involved, which means that if this with the father, then the father will most likely receive full custody.

Children can decide who they want to have custody. While the judge may listen to and take into consideration what an older child’s wishes may be, he or she will not base their ruling on the child’s choice. It is important to not press the judge to make their decision based on your child’s wishes, since this will not make a very good impression on you or for your case.

Working parents are less likely to win custody. Working parents have the same rights as the non-working ones, especially if the non-working parent has the ability or option to work. After all, financial stability is an important factor in providing for a child.

Not all child custody cases are the same, or will have the same result. It is also in the best interest for all parties to ensure that they avoid a high conflict child custody case. If you are in need of help with your child custody or child support case, contact Cosley Law Office today.

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