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Keep these tips in mind as you transition to single parenthood

 Posted on June 30, 2014 in Child Custody

If you and your child's other parent have opted to go your separate ways, you may be feeling a bit disoriented to say the least. Regardless of how your child custody arrangements are structured, you are now facing the reality of moving from a two-parent household to a single-parent household.

If you have questions about how to navigate the legal rights and responsibilities of single parenthood, do not hesitate to reach out to your attorney. But chances are that legal questions are not the only considerations crowding your mind right now. You are likely concerned about your children's emotional health as well as your own wellbeing. While you are navigating this transition to single parenthood, it may help you to keep the following tips in mind.

Understand that you have both a responsibility and a right to both grieve and heal. Sometimes parents are so concerned with their children's healing processes that they hesitate to give themselves time and space to heal. You likely understand that it is hard to raise children who are happy, healthy and resilient if their parents are not happy, healthy and resilient. Please remember to take time and space to become healthier, happier, more healed and more whole. Your kids will almost certainly thank you for doing so in their own ways.

In addition, do not hesitate to reach out for support when you need it. It can be difficult to ask for support, but in doing so you will free up mental and physical energy to better attend to your children's needs as well as your own. No parent is an island. Asking for help consistently when you need it will almost certainly produce more good than harm overall.

Source: The Huffington Post, "12 Things All Single Moms Need To Know," Adriana Velez, May 27, 2014

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