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Domestic Violence Hurts Men Too

 Posted on August 01, 2018 in Domestic Abuse

men, Rolling Meadows domestic abuse attorneysHave you ever seen a movie or a television show that depicted the serious struggle of a man trying to get out of an abusive relationship? There is a good chance you never have because such storylines are not very popular in modern entertainment. You probably have, however, seen shows or films in which a woman suffers abuse at the hands of her husband or boyfriend.

While today’s social landscape makes it somewhat easier than before to discuss domestic violence committed against men, the idea is still largely used for comedic effect in movies and on TV. According to Anne P. Mitchell, a retired family law professor, woman-against-man violence is often a “punchline of a larger, depressing narrative.” Male-against-female violence is almost universally condemned by cultural morality, but the same is not always true in the opposite direction.

Telling Numbers

A few years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzed responses provided by over 18,000 adult Americans. The CDC’s survey found that just under 4.8 million women had experienced intimate partner violence in the last 12 months. In the same period, however, the CDC estimated that 5.2 million had experienced such violence as well. Obviously, violence against women is certainly a problem, but so is violence against men, and both must be addressed by a healthy society.

Why Men Stay Quiet

A large part of the issue is that many male victims are unwilling to come forward and share their stories. Experts suggest that there may be many reasons for men to stay silent. Some are afraid of getting their partner in trouble. In other cases, a man may fear that he will not be believed, or worse, that people will think that he is lying because he, in fact, is the abuser. It is sadly not uncommon for a man to call the police because he is being abused by his wife or girlfriend, and he is the one who ends up going to jail.

Ms. Mitchell also believes that men often feel trapped because of how divorce laws tend to favor women. An abused man may think that if he tries to get out and file for divorce, he is likely to be the one ostracized from his children’s lives. Traditionally, Mitchell points out, the courts have determined “that is better to have one happy parent than two unhappy parents—and when it comes down to it, the father is not that necessary.”

Call a Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence and abuse are not limited to any particular gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion. Anyone can be perpetrator, and anyone can be a victim. There should be no shame associated with a man seeking help when he is being abused. If you are a domestic violence victim, our experienced Arlington Heights domestic abuse attorney can assist you. Call 847-253-3100 for a free, confidential consultation today.




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