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Avoid These Common Mistakes During Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on May 17, 2019 in Divorce

divorce, Arlington Heights divorce lawyerIf you are thinking about ending your marriage, you may be completely unsure of where to start. If you are like most people, you probably never though you would be at this point when you first got married. The complexity and duration of your divorce will depend on the type of life you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have built together, whether or not you have children, the assets and debt you have accumulated during the marriage, and more.

Because every divorce depends on the couple’s unique circumstances, there is no one-size-fits-all method for managing an efficient and minimally-stressful divorce. However, experts do have some advice for how to avoid common mistakes during the divorce process.

Only Considering the Short-Term Consequences of Your Decisions

Understandably, divorce is a highly emotional time for many people. If you are getting divorced, you may have to consciously remind yourself to make decisions that are best in the long run instead of decisions based on emotions. For example, some individuals are determined to fight their spouse for ownership of the house during a divorce. However, keeping the house may not be the best decision for everyone. Some people end up keeping the house but giving up a retirement plan account or other valuable investment or asset. This can result in them losing future investment-return gains and being cash-poor in the future. Some divorced individuals find that a large house and yard are too expensive to keep on their own anyway. In order to avoid this pitfall, it may be in your best interest to discuss your financial options with a professional.

Being Too Hard on Yourself and Not Looking After Your Health

Getting a divorce is one of the most stress-inducing life events a person can experience. It is completely understandable that some responsibilities may need to become lower priorities during a divorce. Cut yourself some slack, and try not to worry if your car or house end up a bit dirtier than normal. Focus on taking care of your physical and mental needs and the rest will follow. Mental health experts suggest that those going through a divorce make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and engage in fun activities to help ease the emotional turmoil of divorce. Reaching out to a therapist, support group, or religious organization can also be a greatly beneficial step for many people.

Contact a Rolling Meadows Divorce Attorney

Speak with an experienced Arlington Heights divorce lawyer for help with any aspect of your Illinois divorce. Call us at 847-253-3100 to schedule a free consultation today.




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